8. How I am looking?


Riya’s eyes momentarily clouded with sadness. “We lost Uncle Kiran years ago,” she said quietly, her voice catching slightly.

A tear glistened in her eye before she blinked it away. It was clear that Uncle Kiran’s memory still held a place of deep emotion for her. I offered a sympathetic  nod even though i wanted to ask her, what happened to him , recognizing the weight of the loss she carried. I Keep my mouth shut.

I wrapped my arms around Riya in a comforting hug. “It’s okay, Riya,” I said softly, offering her a reassuring embrace.

She seemed to appreciate the gesture, and after a moment, she gently returned the hug. The warmth of the embrace provided a small measure of solace, acknowledging the shared understanding of loss and the support we could offer each other in this new chapter.

Vyaan’s mother appeared in the doorway, her expression a mix of concern and relief. “Riya and Driti? You both are here!” she exclaimed. “I searched the whole house.”

Riya looked up, her face reflecting her worry. “What happened, Ma? Is everything okay?”

Vyaan’s mother nodded, though her tone was slightly urgent. “No, beta. I wanted Driti to get dressed because we still have some rituals to complete. I was searching for her and asked Vyaan, but he said she might be wandering around. So, I came here to check.”

I glanced at Riya and then back at Vyaan’s mother, feeling a rush of realization about the remaining traditions we needed to follow. “I’m sorry, I got caught up in exploring. I’ll get ready right away.”

Riya gave me a reassuring nod. “Let me help you get dressed quickly, Bhabhi.” She turned to Vyaan’s mother. “We’ll be ready soon.”

Vyaan’s mother smiled gratefully. “Thank you, dear. I’ll be waiting downstairs.” She then left the room, allowing us to prepare for the upcoming rituals.

“And the dress — I gave to Vyaan to give you,” she added, “might be in your room.”

With that, she turned and left, giving us a moment to prepare. I looked at Riya, who nodded understandingly.

“Let’s check your room for the dress,” she said, guiding me back towards the guest room. “We need to make sure you’re ready for the rituals.”

“Which room, Riya?” I asked, feeling a bit flustered.

Riya paused for a moment, thinking. “It should be the room you were staying in last night. Let’s go check there first.”

She led the way, guiding me back through the hallways to the guest room where I had initially woken up.

Riya’s eyes were wide with a mix of fear and curiosity. “Bhabhi, did you really sleep here?”

“Yeah,” I said, a hint of knowing in my voice. “I found myself in this room when I woke up.”

Riya’s face turned serious. “Bhabhi, this room is Bhai’s. No one comes in here—not even me, Maa, or Zora.”

I was taken aback by her words. “Maybe Bhai must have left you here. Yesterday, he carried you.”

“What??” My eyes widened in disbelief, my expression a mix of shock and confusion. I struggled to process the revelation.

“Yeah, Bhabhi,” Riya continued, “he didn’t even let Maa and Aunt complete the rituals. He said you were asleep, so he’d let you stay like that. He also mentioned he’d take you to your room, but I didn’t know it was his room.”

The realization hit me with a mix of surprise and embarrassment. “So, Vyaan brought me here and left me in his room?” I asked, trying to wrap my mind around the situation.

Riya nodded, her expression still concerned. “It seems so. Let’s find the dress and get you ready for the rituals. We need to sort this out quickly.”

As I looked around the room, my gaze fell upon a branded cover placed neatly on a chair. The sight of it made my heart skip a beat.

“Riya, is this the dress ma mentioned?” I asked, pointing to the cover.

Riya’s eyes followed mine and she nodded, relief washing over her face. “Yes, that must be it. Let’s check and make sure it’s the right one.”

We moved towards the cover, and as Riya carefully opened it, I felt a sense of urgency mixed with curiosity about what lay inside and the implications of the unexpected situation.

I carefully opened the cover to reveal a beautiful brown and beige Begumpuri Maroon Cotton Handloom Saree.

Riya’s eyes widened in recognition. “Bhabhi, it’s a saree!” she said, her tone a mix of surprise and admiration.

I looked at the saree, appreciating its intricate design and quality. “It’s stunning,” I remarked, feeling a blend of excitement and anticipation for the rituals ahead. “I’ll get changed into this right away.”

“Okay, Bhabhi, I’ll be downstairs. If you need anything, just call,” Riya said, giving me a reassuring smile before she left the room.

I nodded, feeling a bit more settled as I prepared to change into the saree. Her support was a comfort as I navigated this new and unexpected situation.

After Riya left, I took a quick, refreshing shower to prepare for the day. Once I was done, I returned to the room to put on the beautiful saree.

The saree, with its rich Begumpuri maroon and beige hues, felt elegant against my skin. As I adjusted the drapes and ensured everything was in place, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of both excitement and nervousness about the upcoming rituals and my new surroundings.

As I was draping the saree, carefully adjusting the pleats, I heard a soft knock on the door. My breath hitched slightly, a mix of anticipation and nerves flooding over me.

I quickly moved to open the door, trying to steady my breath. As the door swung open, I looked up to see who had arrived, my heart racing with curiosity about who it might be.

It was none other than Vyaan standing at the door. His earlier, often impassive expression had transformed into something I couldn’t quite describe. There was a mixture of surprise, recognition, and perhaps a hint of something deeper in his gaze.

For a moment, we stood there in silence, the weight of unspoken emotions filling the space between us. His eyes took in the sight of me in the saree, and I felt a rush of self-consciousness, wondering what thoughts were behind his changed expression.

Vyaan stepped into the room, his gaze never leaving mine. Without a word, he moved to the door and locked it, the click of the lock echoing in the quiet room.

His eyes remained fixed on me, a mix of emotions flickering across his face. The intensity of his stare was both unsettling and compelling, adding a layer of tension to the moment. I stood still, caught between the need to understand his sudden change and the palpable silence that hung between us.

I couldn’t help myself; the words slipped out before I could stop them. “How am I looking? Good?”

As I asked, Vyaan’s eyes darkened, a deep intensity reflecting in them. He took a slow, deliberate step closer, his gaze never wavering.

Vyaan leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a whisper. “Good? You’re more than good, Mrs. Mehra. You’re every bit of goodness, taming every beastly demon inside me before I fall into it.”

His breath was warm against my ear, his words carrying a deep, almost primal intensity. The whispered confession created a palpable tension, making the space between us feel electric and charged with emotion.

Vyaan’s mouth was almost grazing my neck, his breath warm and steady against my skin. It felt as though he was inhaling my scent, each exhale a delicate caress that heightened the intimacy of the moment. The closeness was overwhelming, and I could feel the intensity of his presence as he seemed to be absorbing every detail of me. The air between us was charged with an electric tension, making each second feel like it was stretching into eternity.

Suddenly, the weight of the moment hit me with a jolt of realization. My heart raced as I quickly pushed Vyaan away, stepping back to regain my composure.

“I need to go,” I said urgently, rushing to the door. My hands trembled slightly as I fumbled with the lock, trying to unlock it and break the intense, charged atmosphere that had enveloped us.

Vyaan didn’t stop me. He stayed where he was, his gaze still fixed on me, but he made no move to hold me back. His silence spoke volumes—perhaps he was as shaken by the moment as I was, or perhaps he was giving me the space I needed to process what had just happened.

As I unlocked the door and stepped out, I could still feel the weight of his presence lingering behind me, like a shadow that I couldn’t quite shake. My heart was pounding, but I couldn’t help but wonder what would happen the next time we were alone together.

And I wouldn't let that happen again. The surge of control I had regained anchored me, and I promised myself that I wouldn’t allow myself to get swept up in the intensity of Vyaan's presence again.

Whatever this pull was between us, it needed to be kept in check. Too much was at stake, and I couldn't afford to lose myself in the emotions that had been brewing since the moment we were bound together. As I left the room, I silently vowed to maintain the distance I needed, no matter how difficult it would be.

As I walked into the room, Vyaan’s mother spotted me and her face lit up with delight. "Oh my god, Driti, you’re looking so beautiful!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with warmth.

I smiled softly, still trying to shake off the earlier moment with Vyaan. "Thank you, Ma," I responded, grateful for her kind words.

Her eyes sparkled with pride as she took in my saree and the way I carried myself, making me feel a little more grounded after everything that had happened.

As I stepped into the kitchen, the warm and inviting aroma of spices greeted me, mingling with the scent of freshly cooked food. The kitchen bustled with life—several women were moving around, preparing for the upcoming rituals, their laughter and chatter filling the room.

Vyaan’s mother looked up from where she was overseeing things and smiled when she saw me. "Ah, Driti, you’re just in time," she said, gesturing for me to join her. "We’re almost ready for the rituals. Come, let me show you what’s left to do."

I took a deep breath, feeling a little more at ease as I stepped further into the kitchen, ready to immerse myself in the family's traditions.

"Do I need to do anything, Ma?" I asked, stepping further into the kitchen.

Vyaan's mother, dressed elegantly in her saree, waved her hand dismissively. "No, no, nothing much," she said with a kind smile. "Just one small thing, dear—could you prepare some sweets? It's part of the rituals. Nothing too complicated."

I nodded, feeling relieved that I could contribute in some way. "Of course, Ma. I’d be happy to."

She smiled warmly, her eyes twinkling with approval. "Thank you, Driti. I know it’ll be perfect."

"Do you know how to make sweets, dear?" Vyaan's mother asked gently, her voice warm and caring. "Or do I need to help you?"

I smiled at her concern. "I think I can manage, Ma, but I might need a little guidance here and there," I admitted with a light laugh.

She chuckled softly and patted my arm. "No worries, I’ll stay close by. If you need anything, just ask." Her reassuring presence made me feel more at ease as I began gathering the ingredients.

I began to gather the ingredients for the sweets, following the simple instructions Vyaan’s mother had given me. The kitchen was filled with the sounds of preparation, and I could sense the underlying excitement for the rituals that were about to take place.

As I worked, Vyaan’s mother occasionally checked in, offering tips and encouragement. The process of making the sweets turned out to be a pleasant distraction, allowing me to focus on something tangible and calming amidst the whirlwind of emotions from earlier.

Once the sweets were ready, I set them aside, feeling a sense of accomplishment. Vyaan’s mother gave me an approving nod. "Perfect, Driti. Thank you for helping with this. Everything looks wonderful."

I smiled, feeling a bit more settled. "I’m glad I could help, Ma."

"Now, can you please call Vyaan to come?" Vyaan’s mother asked, her tone both practical and kind. "So you can serve everyone. Everyone will be here soon."

I nodded and headed out of the kitchen to find Vyaan. As I walked through the house, I mentally prepared myself for the next steps, ready to embrace the role I was expected to play in the upcoming rituals and gatherings.

The house was bustling with activity as I made my way to find Vyaan. I searched through the rooms and hallways, eventually spotting him in a quiet corner, seemingly lost in thought.

"Vyaan," I called softly, approaching him. "Ma asked if you could come to the kitchen. We need to serve everyone soon, and she wanted you to be there."

Vyaan simply hummed in acknowledgment, his expression softening slightly. Without another word, he started making his way toward the kitchen.

I returned to the kitchen, where Vyaan’s mother was busy organizing the sweets and other items for the rituals. The atmosphere was filled with a sense of readiness and anticipation as everyone prepared for the gathering.

As I entered the dining hall, I was struck by the sight of it bustling with activity. The room was filled with over a dozen family members, their conversations and laughter creating a lively and welcoming atmosphere.

The table was elegantly set, adorned with an array of dishes and decorative elements, setting the stage for the rituals and the meal to come. Each person seemed to be engaged in their own conversations, adding to the sense of warmth and togetherness that filled the room.

"Here comes our new couple!" Aryaan’s voice rang out with a teasing lilt as he noticed Vyaan and me entering the dining hall.

I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment, and I couldn’t help but shake my head in a mix of amusement and discomfort. Aryaan’s playful tone added a light-hearted touch to the atmosphere, even if it made me feel a bit self-conscious.

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