12. I'm not scared of you Mr.Mehra


After the rituals, I did everything in my power to avoid going to that room. I lingered in the living room, helped with clearing up, and even chatted longer than usual with Riya and Zora. But no matter what I did, I could feel the weight of his unspoken command, pulling me toward the room.

When I finally headed back to the room, the air felt heavy with anticipation. As I pushed open the door, I saw Vyaan standing by the window, his back to me. The room was dimly lit, casting long shadows. The atmosphere was thick with tension, almost like the calm before a storm.

He turned around slowly, his gaze intense and unwavering. His eyes met mine, and I felt a shiver run down my spine. I could sense his frustration, his need for answers, and maybe even something more unspoken simmering beneath the surface.

He moved toward me with slow, deliberate steps, his eyes never leaving mine. Each step seemed to echo through the room, the tension between us growing thicker with every passing second. My breath caught in my throat as he closed the distance, his presence overwhelming.

When he finally stopped in front of me, we were so close that I could feel the heat radiating off him. His eyes were dark, intense, and full of something I couldn't quite place-desire, frustration, maybe both. He raised his hand slowly and brushed a loose strand of hair behind my ear, his fingers lingering for a moment.

"You like playing games, Mrs. Mehra?" His voice was a low, dangerous whisper, filled with something that sent a thrill down my spine.

I stood there, saying nothing, my heart pounding in my chest. His gaze held mine, daring me to respond, but I couldn't find the words. The tension was electric, the air between us thick with unspoken emotions.

His fingers grazed my chin, tilting my face slightly upward so I couldn't look away. "Silent now?" he whispered, his voice teasing yet laced with an edge. "You push, you pull... but do you know what you're doing to me?"

I still remained quiet, feeling the intensity of his words sink into me, making my pulse quicken. There was no escaping it-him.

A surge of defiance shot through me, and I couldn't hold it in anymore. I stepped back, crossed my arms, and tilted my head slightly, meeting his intense gaze with one of my own.

"You think you're so untouchable, don't you?" I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "I'm not some puzzle you get to solve, Mr. Mehra. You think you're doing me a favor by bossing me around? News flash, I don't need you to control my every move."

His eyebrows shot up in surprise, clearly not expecting me to fire back, and that gave me just enough satisfaction to continue.

"I'm not scared of you, Mr.Mehra," I added, narrowing my eyes. "So, keep your commands to yourself, because I'll do whatever I want, whenever I want. And if that includes cutting your calls... so be it."

For a moment, the room was silent, his eyes darkened, but I wasn't backing down. Not anymore.

Then again, he closed the distance between us in just two steps, his eyes locked onto mine with a fierce intensity that made my breath hitch. His lips curved into a slow, knowing smirk, the kind that told me he wasn't intimidated by my words-if anything, he found them amusing.

"Keep talking, Mrs. Mehra," he whispered, his voice a low rumble that sent a shiver down my spine. He leaned in closer, his breath warm against my ear. " just remember... every time you push me away, you only make me want to pull you in harder."

His hand brushed against my arm as he moved past me, lingering just long enough to make my skin tingle. He didn't say anything more, just let the air crackle with the tension between us before heading towards the wardrobe to change.

I stood there for a moment, fists clenched at my sides, trying to collect myself. I hated how he could affect me like this, how he could make me question my resolve with just a few words and a look. But damn it, I wasn't going to let him win this game.

"Good luck with that, Mr. Mehra," I muttered under my breath as I turned away, determined not to let him see how rattled I truly was.

He just chuckled softly, the sound low and taunting, as if he could see right through my facade. I could feel his gaze on me, even with my back turned.

"Run all you want, Driti" he said in a voice that was dangerously smooth. "But you know you can't hide from me."

I froze, my heart racing despite myself. He wasn't wrong, but I wasn't about to let him see how much power he still held over me. Without another word, I walked to the other side of the room, trying to put some distance between us, the tension palpable.

But as I moved, I could still feel his eyes trailing after me like a shadow, knowing this wasn't over.

It was the first time in eight long years that he called me by my name-Driti. The sound of it on his lips caught me off guard, and for a moment, my heart betrayed me. It fluttered in my chest, a strange, unexpected sensation that I hadn't felt in years.

Why now? Why, after everything, did the simple act of him saying my name stir something inside me? I cursed myself for the way my heart skipped a beat, for the warmth that spread through me despite my efforts to keep the walls between us intact.

But I quickly pushed those feelings aside. I couldn't let him in, not again. Not when we'd been at odds for so long.

He stepped closer, his presence overwhelming the space between us. His eyes locked onto mine, a familiar intensity burning in them. "What's the purpose you called me, Mrs. Mehra?" he asked, his voice low, laced with something I couldn't quite place-curiosity? Frustration? Maybe both.

I stood still, feeling the weight of his gaze, but I refused to let him see how his words affected me. I raised an eyebrow, folding my arms across my chest defensively. "Maybe I didn't have a purpose," I replied, my tone casual, as if I hadn't just been thrown off balance by him saying my name for the first time in years. "Does everything I do need to have a purpose?"

He tilted his head, his expression unchanging but his eyes darkening, a faint smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. He took another step forward, closing the distance between us. I could feel the heat radiating off him, making it harder to keep my composure.

"With you, Mrs.Mehra" he said slowly, savoring my name on his tongue like it was something precious, "everything has a purpose."

I swallowed hard, trying to keep the heat from rising to my face. His words hung in the air between us, heavy with meaning. I could feel my resolve slipping, but I couldn't let him have the upper hand. Not now.

"Well," I said, forcing a smile, "this time, maybe it was just to irritate you. Seems to be working, doesn't it?"

He chuckled, a deep sound that reverberated through the room, and for a brief moment, I thought I saw a flicker of something softer in his eyes. But it was gone as quickly as it had appeared, replaced by the same unrelenting gaze he always had when we faced off like this.

"Is that so?" he murmured, stepping even closer until he was barely a breath away. "If that's your goal, Mrs. Mehra, you'll have to try harder. Because right now, you're the one who seems more affected."

His words stung, partly because they were true. I hated how he could read me so easily, how he could make me feel so exposed with just a few words and that penetrating gaze. But I wouldn't let him win this time.

I lifted my chin defiantly. "Maybe I just find amusement in your reactions," I shot back, my voice steady, though my heart raced. "Someone needs to keep you on your toes."

He let out another low chuckle, but this time, there was something darker in his tone. His eyes never left mine as he reached up and gently tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear, his fingers grazing my skin just enough to make me shiver.

"I'm always on my toes when it comes to you, Driti," he whispered, his breath warm against my ear. "You're the only one who can do that to me."

My heart pounded in my chest, and for a moment, I was caught between the push and pull of our strange, complicated relationship. Part of me wanted to push him away again, to remind him that we weren't those people anymore. But another part of me-the part I tried so hard to ignore-wanted to let him in, just for a second.

But I couldn't. Not yet.

So instead, I stepped back, breaking the tension between us. I kept my voice steady as I said, "Well, then. Mission accomplished."

I could see the frustration flicker in his eyes, but he didn't press further. Instead, he simply nodded, his expression unreadable. "We'll see about that," he said quietly before turning and walking away, leaving me standing there, conflicted and breathless.

Zora entered the room with her usual energy, her eyes bright as she caught sight of me. "What's up, Driti? I missed you!" she said, her tone cheerful despite the earlier tension.

I forced a smile, trying to shake off the lingering effects of my encounter with Vyaan. "Hey, Zora. I missed you too," I said, though the warmth in my voice was a little strained.

She bounced over to me and flopped down on the bed. "So, how are you holding up? I saw Vyaan storming out of here. Everything okay?"

I sighed, sitting beside her. "Yeah, everything's fine. Just the usual... tension," I said, not wanting to go into too much detail. "But it's good to have you here."

Zora's expression softened, and she gave me a reassuring smile. "I know it's a lot to handle. Just remember, I'm here if you need anything. And if you need to vent about Vyaan bhai or anything else, I'm all ears."

I appreciated her offer and the comfort she provided. "Thanks, Zora. It means a lot."

She nodded and then added with a mischievous glint in her eye, "And if you ever need a distraction or a break from all this drama, just let me know. I've got some new ideas for painting, and we could use some art therapy."

I chuckled, feeling a bit lighter. "That sounds like a plan. I might just take you up on that."

We spent a few more minutes chatting and catching up, and her presence was a welcome distraction. For a moment, it felt like the weight of everything else was lifted, and I was grateful for her friendship and support.

"Between ,did you asked Vyaan bhai about art studio?" Zora asked me.

I shook my head, feeling a bit sheepish. "Not yet. I was planning to, but everything got so hectic. I'll try to bring it up with him soon."

Zora looked thoughtful for a moment. "You should. I'm sure he'll understand, especially if it means you'll be happier. Plus, it could be a nice way for you to settle in and have your own space."

I nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you're right. I'll make sure to talk to him about it."

Zora smiled encouragingly. "Good. And if you need any help with the proposal or just some moral support, count me in. We'll get you that studio space, no problem."

"Thanks, Zora. That really means a lot," I said, feeling more confident about addressing the issue with Vyaan.

She gave me a thumbs up and we continued chatting, the earlier tension easing as we caught up on everything.

As the clock struck 11 PM, the house quieted down. The bustling energy of earlier was replaced by a calm, almost serene atmosphere. I wandered through the empty halls, feeling a mix of exhaustion and contemplation.

I knew I had to face Vyaan and discuss the art studio, but for now, I decided to retreat to my temporary room and try to unwind. The day's events had been overwhelming, and I needed a moment to collect my thoughts before addressing any more pressing matters.

As I settled into bed, I thought about the changes ahead and the challenges I faced. Despite everything, I felt a flicker of hope. Maybe, just maybe, I could find a way to balance my dreams with this new life I was stepping into.


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